Pentacque s.r.l - water treatment - We used

Industrial plants for water treatment - Via Maestri, 11 - Brescia
Tel. +39 030 3539154 - Fax. +39 030 3542719 - E-Mail:


Used products available



We have an evaporator (just retired from reconditioning) to pump heat flow 11,000 lt / day armovin covered in the boiler, heating coil draft league (sanicro 28) bell distillation lengthened to improve the quality of distillate.


Evaporatore a pompa di calore 11000 lt. usato (particolare)


Evaporatore a pompa di calore 11000 lt. usato



We have an evaporator used to pump heat from 350 lt / day as a new made of 316 stainless steel skid on newly built.


Evaporatore a pompa di calore 350 lt. usato



We have a sludge pump for high pressure for flow elliptical constant membrane.


Pompa per fanghi usata



We have a filter used 500 x 500


Filtropressa usata 500 x 500



We have a demineralisation plant against flow withdrawn from the customer as a new untapped.


Demineralizzatore a contro flusso usato



We have a ispessitore Mud carbon steel riverniciato.



The list of used products described on this page is updated on the date of publication.


We have accessories for water treatment plants of various kinds


Contact our sales department for information on currently available:

































































































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