Pentacque srl - Industrial plants for water treatment

Industrial plants for water treatment - Via Maestri, 11 - Brescia
Tel. +39 030 3539154 - Fax. +39 030 3542719 - E-Mail:


Realization treatment plants


Chemical plants physical

The physical-chemical treatment is a technology used by Pentacque now well established, these treatment plants have an infinite application, designed in harmony with the needs of environmental protection regulations Cee observing and analyzing the problem in a comprehensive manner will ensure competence and competitiveness needed to provide chemical facilities with high physical characteristics, they are always the testing ground for the most truthful builder.


Our assessment for the study of a treatment plant was born physical chemist from the start by assessing the manufacturing process, the optimal separation of the various types of water control required of them, and good dewatering of sludge. This provides a cost in water treatment and supply to ensure that the regulations.


Decantatore lamellare per la purificazione delle acque


Pentacque realizes these treatment plants physical chemist with special attention to compliance with the contact between various physical processes such as neutralization decianurazioni, dechromatation, flocculation, breakage of metal complexes, clarifications and mechanical filtration and absorbent.


An optimal management of hydroxides of mud from the physical chemical treatment, can save the cost of disposal, you can also reuse a rate of treated water back into the production cycles by lowering the volume normally used.


The chemical treatment plants while physical tailored to specific needs, are assembled in block. Pentacque's commitment is to provide water purification plants compact, reliable and with the guarantees of compliance with the regulations.


         Impianto di tipo chimico fisico   Impianto di depurazione chimico fisico


The chemical treatment plants can be physically divided mainly by type plant:
The same may be accompanied by a number of options:










































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