Pentacque srl - Industrial plants for water treatment

Industrial plants for water treatment - Via Maestri, 11 - Brescia
Tel. +39 030 3539154 - Fax. +39 030 3542719 - E-Mail:


Realization water purification plants


Purification plants bagni chromium and nickel

During the process of chrome plating, in addition to the reaction of electroplating, there are regular attacks on the details of chromium caused the bath solution, this process procura a gradual contamination of the bath due to the accumulation of metal ions, this sometimes requires, in order to obtain good quality of production, to perform the replacement of the bath or partial cuts of the same.


This pollution is particularly amplified where the waste-water treatment system used in the processing and bathrooms are completely re-used.


In chrome plating baths have the presence of chromic acid linked to volatile concentrations of metal ions like nickel, iron, zinc, trivalent chromium, copper, etc., these compounds are cleaned of their contents Cation treatment plants with a highly specific resin crosslinking with high resistance to osmotic pressure and oxidation.


Pentacque has achieved excellent results through the use of a type of purification plant with the use of resin, which is characterized by a high stability to the oxide-reducing. The resin is used in hydrogen, the stability of complexes with divalent heavy metals follows a scale of selectivity for each type of bath used.


As happens in the process of Chroming, also in the process of Nichelatura and other plating baths, is an accumulation of metal ions in the solution of the bath.


Pentacque use this type of equipment using resins able to imprison foreign metals and capable of continuously purify the bathroom.


Our water purification plants come on skid and a full automation as well as through the cycle of service automatically performs the functions of controlavaggio, reclassification and regeneration.









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